You love Jesus and want to know him more, but jumping into His Word can be intimidating.
It can be discouraging to figure out how to get started.
Pastors and theologians offer lots of resources, but they seem to know so much that it can be overwhelming.

It doesn’t have to stay that way.
Everything changes when you realize that being stuck is a lie.

Sure, you might need some help along the way, but anyone can study Scripture—not just pastors, theologians, or bloggers who seem to have all day to make those beautiful Pinterest notes.
Studying the Bible doesn’t have to be some complex, hour-long sit-down. You can create a routine that is repeatable and custom fit to your schedule!
God’s Word is for everyone, and you can get past these feelings of overwhelm, discouragement, and downright feeling like you’ll never understand the Bible.

I’m a wife, author, founder of Abiding Love Co., and the creator of The Abide Guide. I know exactly how it feels to see others seem to effortlessly know what they’re doing when they pick up their Bibles yet feel completely lost when it’s my turn. After a while, it’s easy to reason that it just “isn’t my thing.” Friend, that’s that’s the furthest thing from the truth!!
Once I learned the key steps to studying the Bible, everything finally clicked!
And that’s why I created The Abide Guide. I’m passionate about sharing these steps with everyone I can, equipping people with confidence in studying and digging deep into God’s Word. Count this as your crash course into all things Bible studying!

The Process is Simple:

Introduction: Start Here
Welcome to The Abide Guide
What to Expect
Bible Study Basics
Preparing a Library of Study Resources
Cultivating Consistent Quiet Time
A Guide to Prepare for Study Time
Categorical Understanding of the Bible
Intro to the Bible: Old Testament
Intro to the Bible: New Testament
Step One: Preparing in Prayer
Importance of Gratitude
What is Worship?
Digging Wells
5 Ways to Enter Purposeful Worship
Application: Preparing in Prayer
Step Two: Comparing Translations
Understanding Bible Translations
Choosing the Right Translation for You
Application: Comparing Translations
Step Two (Part Two): Cross-References
Reading v Studying: What’s the Difference? What are Cross-References? Highlighting to Your Advantage Application: Mastering Cross-References
Step Three: Language Dynamics
A Brief Background of OT Language
A Brief Background of NT Language
An Introduction to Word Studies
Exploring the Strong’s Concordance
Exploring Blue Letter Bible
Application: Step-by-Step Word Studies
Step Four: Paraphrasing & Summarizing
What is Paraphrasing and How Does it Help Me?
Application: Stringing it Together
Step Five: Breaking Down Context
What is a Commentary?
Importance of Historical Context
Application: Explore Commentaries
Geographic References and Maps
Step Six: Who’s Who?
All About Who
Biblical Character Analysis
Application: A Step in Their Shoes
Step Seven: Bible Themes & Application
Breaking it Down: Common Biblical
Themes Where Do I Even Start?
Application: Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit
Step Eight: Put it Together
Meditating on the Word
Breaking Down Personal Application
Application: Identifying, Understanding, and Applying Messages
Abiding in the Vine
A Study of John 15
How to Make a Bible Reading Plan
Setting Manageable Expectations
Put into Practice:
Passage Study Walkthroughs
(8) 20-minute video lessons
50 Written Lessons ($200 value)
10 course hours of content to learn from – stop and start at any time!
The Abide Guide Journal ($20 value)
with course purchase, you’ll be sent a physical copy of our customized journal to follow the course and keep all of your studies in one place!
Printable PDF Resources ($120 value)
elevate your study time with 15+ downloadable resources such as resource charts, worksheets, gratitude pages, prayer cards, and more
Video Lessons ($50 value)
put into practice all you learned with (8) 20-minute video passage walkthroughs
Abide Guide Community
get exclusive access to a community of others like you and share the journey together with intentional discussion questions
Lifetime Access
includes lifetime access to the course, plus any future updates!