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- The Abide Guide Course
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- Introduction: Start HereWelcome to the Abide Guide Kickstart! This module covers expectations and other important reminders for the course.2
- Bible Study BasicsBefore we begin the real studying, take a look through this module, which lays the basic foundation for studying the Bible. These tips and tricks will be helpful for the following steps!6
- Categorical Understanding of the BibleIn this module, expect to dive into the basics of the Old and New Testaments with this crash course and guide to the sixty-six books of the Bible!4
- STEP ONE: Preparing in PrayerStep One is simple: preparing in prayer! This module covers this spiritual discipline and explains why it's essential to any Bible study.7
- STEP TWO: Comparing TranslationsThis module covers the breakdown of popular Bible translations and summarizes how to utilize multiple translations to maximum your understanding of passages.5
- STEP TWO (PART TWO): The Perks of Cross-References and HighlightingCross-referencing is a tool that is often overlooked because it looks time-consuming without very much payoff. This module covers this lesser-known secret tool that can be a valuable addition to a studier's toolbelt.6
- STEP THREE: Language Dynamics and TranslationsThis module is one of the more technical ones in the course; however, it's essential for in-depth, intentional study. Beware: it's much easier that you'd think!9
- 7.1STEP THREE: Language Dynamics and Translations
- 7.2A Brief Background on OT Language
- 7.3A Brief Background on NT Language
- 7.4An Introduction to Word Studies
- 7.5Exploring the Strong’s Concordance
- 7.6Exploring Blue Letter Bible
- 7.7APPLICATION: A Step-by-Step Guide to a Word Study
- 7.8DOWNLOAD: Word Study Sheet
- 7.9DOWNLOAD: Word Study Tips
- STEP FOUR: Paraphrasing and SummarizingThis module talks about the power of paraphrasing and using summarizing to our advantage!3
- STEP FIVE: Breaking Down Historical ContextWithout historical context, we can incorrectly interpret what we're reading. In this module, we'll cover what a commentary is and how to use it, plus you'll download some helpful printables!8
- 9.0STEP FIVE: Breaking Down Historical Context
- 9.1What is a Commentary?
- 9.2The Importance of Historical Context in the Bible
- 9.3APPLICATION: Explore Commentaries
- 9.4DOWNLOAD: Summary of the Old Testament
- 9.5DOWNLOAD: Summary of the New Testament
- 9.6Geographic References and Maps
- 9.7DOWNLOAD: The Bible Atlas
- STEP SIX: Who's Who?This module takes a look at how to a character analysis connects to a deeper understanding of Scripture and ourselves.6
- STEP SEVEN: Bible Themes and Personal ApplicationThis module is all about connecting common themes we find to personal application points in our own lives. The Bible isn't meant to stay there on the pages: it's meant to penetrate and transform us!5
- STEP EIGHT: Put it TogetherFor the last step of the Abide Guide, this module models how to take everything you've learned and connect it together!4
- Abiding in the VineTaking everything we've learned, get ready to learn what abiding looks like practically in our lives!6
- Put into Practice: Passage Study WalkthroughsReady to practice everything that you've learned? Follow along in this module to see how you can use The Abide Guide to study a passage.9
What to Expect in This Course